On Friday, we spent the day working with the women in one parish to plant feeds for their goats and pigs. We had travelled to the stock farm earlier in the week where we picked up some drough-resistant seeds for local legumes (lub-lub and leucina). We also purchased some caliandra seedlings to plant. Once fully grown, these plants can be harvested to feed the goats and sheep. We spent the day moving from home to home, digging and planting. At the start of the day, there were 2 boys helping my group, carrying the supplies for us as we moved. Slowly, as the day passed on, we had accumulated a harem of 30 or so children, following us wherever we went. They ran alongside our car until it stopped and then watched us as we dug and planted. The following picture was taken after travelling to just 3 homes. I was afraid to take out my camera at the end of the day for fear that excitement/chaos would erupt among the huge group of children trailing behind us.

After our busy day, we stopped at my favorite parish. The kids were very happy to see me that day as you can tell!

We stopped by to see the first dairy kid had been born. Canada, the buck, is a sickly dairy goat that fathered this kid.

At this same parish, the global vets students had brought a soccer ball to give to the children. They were excited to receive it.

This little girl loves me! I am not sure why, but every time I see her, she grabs my hand and says "take me with you." When I tell her I cannot, see insits that I return tomorrow to see her.

This is a picture of Kent and me enjoying jack fruit.

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