Thursday, May 15, 2008

My First Tick

Last night, Sarah and I decided to try a resturant at this fancy hotel Rwebi Kona (an area close to where we are staying). The guide books sited this resturant as the best in town, so what the heck. This was definately the weirdest experience I have had here yet. Safely stoed behind the compound walls were tonnes of white diplomats and travellers. I have not seen a single white person walking around in this area since I have arrived. Yet, there are tonnes here. Sarah and I decided that we much prefer to eat at local restarunts and to keep the company of local people who are more friendly and welcoming. Plus, the food wasnt that good anyway!

Today, I went out into the field to check out the goats in a parish that has not been visited much in the past. I soon found out why. It is a good 1 hour drive away and it is nestled within a very hilly/mountainous terrain. We met the coordinator for the group and then visited a bunch of homes with goats. We walked from one side of the mountain to the other. The coordinator didn't think a weak muzungu like me could make such a journey, but I did. It was a really hot, but my days of doing the Grouse Grind served me well. The best part of this day was what gift the hills gave me when I returned home. I was itching my knee like crazy and then soon realized that I had a friend burrowing away into my flesh. I had gotten my first Ugandan tick! Ugh. I dug it out and that was the end of that!

Oh, and I learned that pineapples grow from the ground! I thought they grew from a tree....

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