Monday, August 4, 2008

My Last Day in Mbarara

My last day in Mbarara was actually spent in Masaska, buying goats. We did not return to Mbarara until 430 pm and then we got lost trying to find the place where we were to drop the goats off. It was starting to get dark, but I made one last visit to some of my favorite kids in the villages. I had some photos printed earlier and I gave these away to the kids. They were very happy to finally receive a hard copy of a picture after having many taken. I gave some other small gifts away and it was a really good night! I finished off the night by taking milk tea and casaava. It was a nice way to end the day.

Me and Elizabeth:
Me and Anthony:
Me and Fareed:
All the kids:
Me and Ida:
Meeka with his new shoes:

1 comment:

Dr. Kent said...

You have no idea how much I miss those kids. And I am ecstatic (and a bit teary) looking at Meeka and his new shoes. Great work Leanne.