Monday, August 4, 2008

A Little Ray of Sunshine

I left Mbarara on the morning of the 24rd. Hilda and Deborah came with me on the bus. Once we arrived in Kampala, we went to Mango hospital together to visit Anthon. It was really good to see him and his mother. He had surgery the day before but was still in good spirits. They removed the infected portions of bone and put an external fixator in (pins to stabilize the bone). He was on lots of antibiotics and pain medication but his mother told us that he was being strong. He had not cried for a single one of his injections. When I asked him how he was doing, he said that he was feeling much pain, but from the outside you never would have known it. What a courageous little boy! I hope he continues to do well.

Anthon, Me, his mother and Deborah:

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