Saturday, July 18, 2009
Weird Stories...
Sunday was a typical day, just trekking around, doing some field work, laundry, and what what. Some people from the hostel were hooting about a Bobi Wine concert that was being held at the Agip Motel. Bobi Wine is a local Ugandan musician that is very famous. We even have a poster of him at the office. He is a representative for the statement, "Be a Man," which protests against polygamy in Uganda. In any case, we have been told that concerts here are quite entertaining, so we ventured over to the motel venue later that evening. When we arrived, sure enough there were, what we thought, to be many people packed into a smallish outside area. What we didn't know was that over the course of the night, the number of people present would raise into the thousands! So we got comfortable, standing in an area with a good view of the stage. Initially, I wasnt sure what we were watching. People would come onto the stage, lip sink to some music, dance moderately well, and then be booed off the stage. Other 'performers' that remained on stage for some time actually had spectators give them money as they performed. Weird custom. Apparently that is the norm for Uganda. It turns out that these people on stage are just regular Ugandan's trying to make it "big" in the industry, but were really just serving as a form of mock entertainment. This began at 8 o clock at night. The lipsinking and dancing was ok for maybe 1 hour or maybe 2, but it went on for 4 hours!!!! This was almost unbearable for me. I had a nasty bout of illness for the majority of the weekend so at midnight, I was pretty much at my limit. But then, the "show" began. A supposedly famous Ugandan artist came onto stage. He sang one song then stopped the show for a serious moment. I did not understand what he was talking about at first, but then he changed to speak in English and stated that all homosexuals should be burned. WHAAAATTTT??????? So this pushed me beyond my limit and I was so perplexed at what this man had just said and better yet, had no idea how this was even relevant to the concert. Sick! We were so mad that we spent the next hour discussing this topic with surrounding spectators, trying to inform them that in fact this type of hatred is unacceptable. By this time, it was almost 1:30pm. Still no Bobi Wine. I had given up. I was rounding up everyone at the concert to leave when sure enough, at 1:45am, Bobi Wine entered the stage. His performance was awesome, but we were only able to enjoy 15 minutes of it. By 2am, we were spent and ventured home with wide eyes regarding the interesting music culture within Uganda.
The rest of the week has been spent in the field evaluating beneficiaries to determine their readiness to receive goats. We had a really endearing conversation with one of the ladies in a parish. Her dairy goat has been bred and is soon to give birth. She was trying to tell us that she was going to treat her dairy goat right and milk it properly unlike some people in other parishes. We were puzzled and asked her what she was talking about. Then she told us of this other woman who has a young child that gets on all fours and sucks from the goat's teats. The mother tried to punish the boy and even beat him, but he refused to listen and still suckles from the goat. The kicker came when the beneficiary said "and the boy hasn't even got Brucella yet!"...aaaaiiiiiieeeeeee. Later as we told this story we found out that apparently this behaviour is common even among some adults with cows. Talk about weird...
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Random Photos
Friday, July 10, 2009
It has been some time since the last post. Sorry for that. We have been spending a lot of time in the villages and the internet here has been really bad. On top of that, our office has lost the ongoing battle with the electricity companies and we have been without power for 3 days now. It is great to be back and I am loving the work out in the villages like usual. I have been busy helping the other vets here brucella testing and vaccinating goats as well as trying to source goats for purchase. We have made some great headway on goat distribution already, but there is still much more to do. We have now bought and distributed 14 goats in a new parish called Kyera. The people there are very much so in need. We saw many old women caring for many young dependants. This parish is a bit unique because there are also male members. One man in particular is caring for his children following the death of his wife. Sadly this practice is not too common and children usually become orphans after the death of their mother. In any case, this parish is VERY organized and I was happy to be distributing goats to these people.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Back to Cold Showers and Squat Toilets
We are now back at Aquaview hostel and Lola was nice enough to book me into the same room that I had last year. I set up the mosquito net that I bought in Kampala and gagged at its smell...I never thought permethrin would smell like a dead goat, but somehow this is the aroma that the net took. Anyways, we finished off the day with some local food and tea. Matoke and G-nuts never tasted so good! I must have been tired though, because I still managed to fall asleep in 2.5 seconds despite the smell of dead goat and the blaring Ugandan music. Ahhhh it is nice to be back :)