Friday, July 10, 2009


It has been some time since the last post. Sorry for that. We have been spending a lot of time in the villages and the internet here has been really bad. On top of that, our office has lost the ongoing battle with the electricity companies and we have been without power for 3 days now. It is great to be back and I am loving the work out in the villages like usual. I have been busy helping the other vets here brucella testing and vaccinating goats as well as trying to source goats for purchase. We have made some great headway on goat distribution already, but there is still much more to do. We have now bought and distributed 14 goats in a new parish called Kyera. The people there are very much so in need. We saw many old women caring for many young dependants. This parish is a bit unique because there are also male members. One man in particular is caring for his children following the death of his wife. Sadly this practice is not too common and children usually become orphans after the death of their mother. In any case, this parish is VERY organized and I was happy to be distributing goats to these people.

After the goat distribution, we were fed a feast for kings. The chairperson prepared more food than I could imagine and it was delicious! What a perfect day.

Now, we are busy investigating sources for more goats to purchase and are going to be travelling to the Joy Children's Center in Masaka on Monday to look at dairy goats. I wonder how many goats we will fit into the Suzuki this time... :)

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